Gear Essentials as a Wedding Photographer


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When I was in high school, my mom gifted me a Nikon D50 for my 16th birthday knowing that I was absolutely obsessed with photography and cameras in general. It wasn’t until a few years ago where I chose to do photography as a career and thought it was only appropriate to stick with Nikon as that’s the brand I knew and really loved the colors produced from it. I bought a Nikon D780 and that’s been my workhorse for the past 2.5 years. I purchased a used Nikon D850 last year as I started taking on weddings and wanted to have a backup.

Camera Nikon D780:

– Godox Flash for Nikon:

When I was in Italy this past spring, I REALLY wanted to have the whole experience and felt as if my phone was just not doing the surroundings justice. I ended up purchasing a Fujifilm X100F at a camera store in Rome and have really loved the experience + how easy they make it to set your colors in camera and share to your phone.

Camera Fujifilm X100F:

Both the sling bag and the bookbag have been my go-tos for everything. I use the sling bag when I know I will only be taking one body, I.e. 1-hour sessions. It’s super comfy and not bulky.

– Camera sling bag:

– Camera Bookbag:

These two camera straps have been coming with me to every session and every wedding for the past two years. They’re both stylish and reliable.

– Leather camera strap for one camera:

– Leather Camera Harness for 2 cameras:

My most sought out suggestion when getting bts during your sessions or weddings when you don’t have an assistant is using this hotshoe:

Camera Hotshoe phone holder:

The rest of the items are ones I use in the office while editing!

– SD Card Holder:

– Portable SSD:

– SanDisk Memory Cards:

– SSD Travel Case:


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